University of Roehampton
Upgrading the fire compartmentation within the University of Roehampton's student accommodation, Checkmate was contracted to deliver various passive fire protection works over the space of 4 months, returning the buildings back to a state of compliance.
Student Accommodation
April 2020 - August 2020
South West London
Services Provided
Compartmentation surveys & fire stopping works
Univeresity of Roehampton

Scope of Work
Checkmate was contracted to deliver various passive fire protection works at the University of Roehampton student accommodation buildings. Taking place over the space of 4 months, these works comprised compartmentation surveys and fire stopping to pipework, electric cabling, along with repairs and fire stopping to service riser ducts in multi story buildings. Taking into account the fire strategy of the building, the prioritisation of works across the occupied buildings were set according to risk. Working within a live environment, with students residing in the building, we provided a non-disruptive environment for the university and students.
Programme of work
With the principal aim being to upgrade life expired, non functional fire stopping across the university accommodation buildings, we carried out all works within a shortened programme period to minimise disruption to students.
Covering all preparation, opening up, dismantling of appropriate furniture, along with reinstatement upon completion, we ensured we made good on all sites, engaging the client’s chosen decorator.
Approach and methodology
Our relationship with the client is a strong one, that has developed well over the last year. Our day to day operations are managed through client progress meetings and stringent site supervision.
All programming and access arrangements have been completed through our own dedicated Resident Liaison Officer (RLO). Checkmate was responsible for survey, through to estimation of works and completion.
Environment Challenges & Risks
Working within student accommodation there are a number of key challenges including:
- Working starts at 9am until 5pm
- Screens between entrances to student bedrooms
- Live environment with students present
- Noise control
- Consideration and respect of home environment
- Busy working corridors requiring diversion of people traffic
- Security and safety
- Adjustments to programme for Covid-19