Emanuel Whittaker Fire Stopping Works
Providing construction, regeneration and refurbishment projects to a variety of local authorities and social landlords across the North West, Emanuel Whittaker (EW) initially contracted Checkmate to provide all fire-stopping works to 4 high rise tower blocks in 2016.
Facilities Management
Emanuel Whittaker
Summer 2016 - Ongoing
Services provided
Fire stopping and compartmentation works

With a short break between works, we have since been EW’s contractor of choice for delivering survey and fire stopping solutions for their wide variety of clients.
Having delivered circa 30 projects for the facilities manager, our teams are currently working on several 2 and 3 story social housing blocks for Salix Homes, on behalf of EW.
This particular scope includes providing fire stopping works to tenants’ communally accessed cupboards, along with roof space works, sealing the heads of walls, and providing installation of fire barriers and curtains.
Working in social housing buildings always poses a number of challenges, specifically:
- Later starting and finishing to accommodate residents working schedules
- Security and safety
- Noise control
- Constant live environment, with residents in communal areas
Works have been halted twice to accommodate Covid 19 lockdowns. This has been due to the fact that our teams can’t access roof spaces communally, as the only way to enter the void is to go through tenants’ flats and use their loft space. Following careful consideration, it was decided that it would make a lot of residents nervous having workers in their Covid-safe homes.
In addition to this, the roof space was all unboarded, making it an unsafe working environment. To combat this, we installed boarding to facilitate safe working.
Above and Beyond:
A lot of Salix Homes buildings were erected pre-1990’s, meaning asbestos was discovered on a continual basis. Because all our operatives are asbestos trained, we were able to work with specialists to ensure the safe and efficient eradication of asbestos.
Identifying additional issues once we were inside the roof space, we ensured all changes to programme were identified and fed back to the client quickly and efficiently.
With full tenant cooperation essential to the project’s success, we worked closely with EW, who organised letter drops, phone calls, and full resident liaison. Working reactively to the residents’ timescales, we worked flexibly to accommodate all stakeholders.
Sourcing materials during the pandemic also posed a challenge. With the client insistent on only using Rockwool products, we bought everything in bulk before Christmas 2020 to mitigate any potential material shortages in the future.
Checkmate have been Emanuel Whittaker’s preferred fire protection contractor for the past 4 years. They have assisted us in resolving a number of challenging situations in existing high and low rise buildings. They have been responsive to our requirements and have provided a complete service from survey through to completion. We look forward to working with Checkmate for many years to come.
- Dave Prescott, Commercial Director for Emanuel Whittaker
Benefits provided:
Completing all jobs on time and to budget – with consideration taken for Covid programme adjustments – we have forged a solid relationship with Emanuel Whittaker.
Ensuring Compliance for over 30 high rise and multi-storey buildings, all our works have been delivered on time and to budget, securing repeat business with the client and developing a strong relationship.
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