Checkmate Fire has pledged their support for children with brain injury by signing up to take part in Step Forward to raise funds for The Children’s Trust.

Step Forward is a virtual challenge that can be completed anyway the participant likes –– from running, cooking and gardening to walking, rowing and walking the dog. Participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible! There is no set target or specific distance to cover, the charity simply wants supporters to keep fit and have fun, all whilst raising vital funds for children with brain injury and neurodisability.

Staff at Checkmate Fire will be racking up their steps across the UK, aiming to reach 40,000 steps as a team each week, they started on 20th June and have already done ten times their target hitting 450,474 steps during the first week as a team!

Every year more than 40,000 children in the UK are left with a brain injury as a result of an accident or illness. By taking part, Checkmate Fire hopes to raise £1000 for The Children’s Trust so the charity can continue to meet the complex needs of the children and families it cares for during these unprecedented times.

Commenting on Checkmate Fire pledge to support The Children’s Trust, Head of HR, Natalie Toas said “I have had the pleasure of meeting with one of the Trusts Exec’s on a number of occasions, and have seen some of the fantastic work they do… seeing the unbelievable achievements some of the children have made with help of the trust has inspired both myself, and Checkmate, to support them as much as we can. As a parent myself, I cannot comprehend what families must go through should their child acquire a life changing brain injury.” 

Katie Roberts, Head of Voluntary Fundraising, at The Children’s Trust said: “We’re honoured that Checkmate Fire chosen to take on this challenge in support of The Children’s Trust. The money raised by people taking part in Step Forward is incredibly important, now more than ever, because our work cannot stop. To keep our vital services running we need to raise £7 million a year and the covid-19 crisis is having a huge impact on our fundraising. In times like these it is so important we all come together and step forward to do something positive.”

If you’d like to sign up to take part in Step Forward, visit . The only rule is that the activity must follow the Government guidelines on exercise and social distancing: